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Cervical Cancer Screening Camp
The village where we set up free cervical cancer screenings with Prerana

The members of Prerana before setting up the camp

Rashmi explaining to us how the day is going to go and the steps required before seeing a patient.

The materials and medical equipment being set up.

The patient table and the completed setup for the doctor.

Members of Prerana ready to talk to the women about the procedures.

Local women of the village having a group discussion with a member of Prerana.

A group photo while waiting for their turn.

Dr. V and I while setting up camp. Dr. V ran all procedures and tests at the camp.

Tour of JSS Hospital and JSS Ayurveda Medical College
Entrance to Primary Health Center JSS Hospital in Mysore, India

We toured the JSS Ayurveda Hospital where we got to see various places where patients are seen and learn about the different medical treatments available.

The doctor showing us what they use to disperse oil on a patient during treatment.

The doctor demonstrating how its used.

One of the workstations used to prepare Ayurveda treatments.

The doctors preparing a remedy which is applied to the head for headaches.

The massage board and where patients typically lie down for treatments.

Different herbs and rocks on display that are used in the practice of Ayurveda.

Part of the tour was at the medical college, where they have classrooms and rooms with displays of various parts of the body for students to learn anatomy.

A student working on a medicine made with silver.

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